EMERGE team participation in events throughout Europe
5th International Congress on Applied Ichthyology, Oceanography, and Aquatic Environment (HydroMedit 2024)
30 May-2 June 2024
EMERGE EU Stakeholder Workshop
21 May 2024 (Restricted to the EMERGE consortium and stakeholders from DGs, CINEA, and EMSA)
SUM 2024 – 7th Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining
15-17 May 2024
Capri, Italy
14th International Conference on Air Quality
13–17 May 2024
Kumpula, Helsinki
SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting https://europe2023.setac.org/
30 April–4 May 2023
Dublin, Ireland
ICCE2023 conference (EuChemS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment) https://icce2023.com
11-15 June 2023
Host: University of Venice
Transport & Air Pollution + Shipping & Environment conference https://www.ivl.se/english/ivl/project/joint-tap-and-se-conference.html
25-28 September 2023
Gothenburg, Sweden
EuroGOOS (European Global Ocean Observing System) webinar https://eurogoos.eu/
10th January 2023 at 10:00 CET
Transport Research Arena http://traconference.eu/
14-17 November 2022
Lisbon, Portugal
Online conference “Environmental impacts of scrubber discharge water” https://www.bsh.de/DE/PRESSE/Veranstaltungen/Termine/Alternative_Veranstaltung/ImpEx_Anmeldung.html
8th November 2022, 10:00 to 14:00 (CET)
21st International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes http://harmo21.web.ua.pt
27-30 September 2022
Aveiro, Portugal
ICES Annual Science Conference 2022 https://www.ices.dk/events/asc/ASC2022/Pages/default.aspx
19-22 September 2022
Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland
Marine & Inland Waters Research Symposium https://symposia.gr/
16-20 September 2022
Porto Heli, Argolida, Greece
International Conference on Air Quality – Science and Application. 13th International Conference on Air Quality. https://www.herts.ac.uk/airqualityconference
27 June – 1 July 2022
Thessaloniki, Greece
12th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2022 https://micropol2022.org/
6-10 June 2022
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Posidonia. The International Shipping Exhibition. https://posidonia-events.com/
6-10 June
Athens, Greece
Joint EMERGE and SCIPPER seminar in the framework of Posidonia event. 9th June 2022.
Call for Online Sessions for Satellite Activities 2022. https://www.oceandecade-conference.com/en/call-for-online-sessions.php
22 to 24 February 2022: Laboratory “A Productive Ocean” (submission deadline: 16 November 2021)
9 to 11 March 2022: Laboratory “A Healthy and Resilient Ocean” (submission deadline: 11 January 2022)
5 to 7 April 2022: Laboratory “A Safe Ocean” (submission deadline: 25 January 2022)
10 to 12 May 2022: Laboratory “A Transparent and Accessible Ocean” (submission deadline: 15 March 2022)
Abatement of the Emissions and Discharges of Shipping. The first Stakeholder Workshop of the EMERGE project entitled ‘Abatement of the emissions and discharges of shipping’ was held online on the 11th of March 2021 between 09.00-11.00 (CET). The event proved very popular and attracted about 140 attendees from around the world.
Read more in our press release.
If you missed it you can watch the recorded workshop HERE.
Air Quality 2020 Conference | 18-26 May 2020. 12th International Conference on Air Quality – Thessaloniki, Greece
Representatives of the EMERGE Consortium participated in the Air Quality Conference 2020 which was co-organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and University of Hertfordshire and was held online between May 18-26, 2020. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference managed to attract the interest of many air quality modelling and measurement teams in the EU and internationally. A special session on Shipping and Air Quality was held where the impacts of shipping on air pollution were discussed and the EMERGE project was presented. Overall, the participants identified a number of challenges that still need to be addressed to improve our understanding of shipping contribution to pollution and in improving our modelling tools to better quantify this contribution. Specific focus was given on port emissions and the need to improve our mission factors and the activity profile of ships, together with our methods to simulate vertical plume rise and in-plume chemistry. These are all areas that the EMERGE project wishes to contribute to.
24th, 25th and 26th of February 2020: The whole consortium gathered for the kick-off meeting at IIASA in Laxenburg, Austria on 24th, 25th and 26th of February 2020.
After a general overview of the project by the coordinator Prof. Jaakko Kukkonen from FMI, each member of the consortium introduced its work package and explained its role within the project.

In particular, the participants discussed and structured the scientific and research work that they will carry out, started designing the air and water measurement campaigns for the project’s case studies, elaborated analytical work programs and clarified the interactions between different partner organizations and their tasks as well as between the models that they will use for the project. They also discussed and reviewed crucial scientific gaps with regard to the assessment of the impact of shipping emissions on the aquatic and atmospheric environments as well as on marine biota which will have to be addressed by EMERGE.
1st of February 2020: The EMERGE project officially begins